Here is a little breakdown of a classic mommy & me yoga class that I teach:
Breathe Work, pranayama, centering together
Meditaion / Visualization / Talking
Check-ins with Warm up
Neck Stretches
Seated Side Stretch
Cat/Cow seated & churn the pot
Table top
Thread the needle
Sit back, prepare for butterfly.
Singing "butterfly" - butterfly pose, extend one leg, then the other, stretch side.
Singing "Row your boat" Boat pose
Pigeon (breast feeding pose)
Child's Pose
Downward Dog, step forward
Forward Fold, w. toe lifts
Prenatal Sun Salutes x2
Chataranga push ups, baby kiss! x5
Down Dog
forward fold
tree pose (60 seconds balance on one leg is better than walking a mile.)
reed pose
warrior 1
warrior 2
warrior 1
kegels in easy seat
belly breath
lay on back
airplane with baby.
supine twist (with extended legs is sciatic nerve work)
bridge with baby on top.
shoulder stand / legs up the wall (lymphatic drainage, 10 min. better than 1 hour nap)
"me" song
savanna - nap time.
Please follow me @thegroovydoula on Spotify for yoga playlists!